Browse thousands of gently used items during our biggest sale of the year! All sales benefit the Lane Libraries.
Held in the Oxford Lane Library lobby. Shop great bargains during the Friends' monthly lobby sale.
Ages 6 - under
Our bilingual family story time is presented in Español and English. Explore Hispanic culture through stories, songs, rhymes and crafts.
La Hora del Cuento Familiar en Español. Acompáñenos a explorar la cultura hispana a través de cuentos, canciones, rimas y manualidades. Contenido del programa diseñado para edades 6 y más jóvenes.
* Participants must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver.
Hidden all around us are secret objects called geocaches. We walk by them every day and don't even know they're there.
Ages 12 - 18. Hang out in the Teen Zone for a quiet place to study, or take a break with a craft and a snack. Snacks will be provided.
Pick a book and enjoy a hot drink and cafe music at the library. No need for opinions or a preplanned book! Relish setting aside time to read for an hour or two in the historic Octagon room. This is a drop-in program.