Ages 6 - under
Enjoy stories, songs and more in this engaging story time designed for the whole family.
* Participants must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver.
Ages 6 - under
Enjoy stories, songs and more in this engaging story time designed for the whole family.
* Participants must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver.
Ages 6 - under
Our bilingual family story time is presented in Español and English. Explore Hispanic culture through stories, songs, rhymes and crafts.
La Hora del Cuento Familiar en Español. Acompáñenos a explorar la cultura hispana a través de cuentos, canciones, rimas y manualidades. Contenido del programa diseñado para edades 6 y más jóvenes.
* Participants must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver.
Ages 8 - 12
Transform into a geologist for the day! Learn all about rocks and minerals while viewing and handling impressive specimens from the Cincinnati Museum Center collections.